看板 Hearthstone 關於我們 聯絡資訊
Best These cards are the ones you dream about each time you load your next pick. Each and every one of these is a snap pick as soon as you see them. 1. Azure Drake 蒼藍龍 Azure Drake is incredible. Even disregarding the bonus to Spell Power, Azure Drake is disgustingly efficient. The common cantrip minions usually spark some form debate in terms of whether or not they are true 2-for-1s: the debate is rooted in the fact that the body of these minions are underwhelming and arguably not worth the cost on their own. There can be no questions about the body attached to Azure Drake. Dark Iron Dwarf came in second place for the common minions and Azure Drake falls into much the same category. Sure, he costs an extra mana, but the upside is so much better that we can forgive this minor shortcoming. Then when you bring the more situational upside of bonus Spell Power, this card just gets bumped over the top. 兩個願望一次滿足 五點略貴不過還蠻爽 用到法術就射惹 In reference to the mana cost, Azure Drake is quite acceptable at five. We mentioned in the last article that the premium slot for high-impact minions was four, but five is still very playable and is a slot far less contested. 四點最棒但是五點也棒棒 --------------- 2. Argent Commander 銀白指揮官 Argent Commander, while not being a 2-for-1 in the simple sense that Azure Drake was, is still one hell of a curve topper. Argent Commander will kill something in 95% of the games you play him. The efficiency of this card is amazing. Starting with Charge, we already like Argent Commander because we are getting instant value for our expensive minion something we discussed last time in reference to Stormwind Champion. The Divine Shield ability synergizes well with Charge by making Argent Commander more than just a four damage burn spell if he wants to go after a big target. Finally, his healthy four Attack make it such that he represents a decent clock on his own; therefore, he will often trade with another minion so he's no longer a threat. Of course he will most likely trade for a smaller minion once the Divine Shield is down but at that point, how much more could you ask of him? 聖盾衝鋒4攻場場殺人不醬油 有問題舉手 -------------- Excellent These are some of the best. There will usually not be much of a decision if one of these is an option because they are that good. 3. Stampeding Kodo 奔竄的科多獸 Stampeding Kodo is a stop sign. Killing a small minion as he comes down and dominating the board as a 3/5 puts an instant end to any and all aggro shenanigans. It should be mentioned that Stampeding Kodo is not a good fit in an aggro deck. This fact, however, doesn't drag him down because he is a perfect fit in Midrange and Control decks. He is so good in these archetypes that he is well worth picking early and hedging towards them. Most arena decks tend to end up being more focused on the midrange regardless. 小怪殺手中期控場 為了競技場生態而生 ------------ 4. Knife Juggler 飛刀手 The joke has been made before that Knife Juggler has Taunt and this is certainly a case of a joke finding its roots in fact. Knife Juggler passes the Vanilla Test and has a game-swinging ability. The joke about Taunt is relevant because while Knife Juggler's ability doesn't have a big or immediate impact, it gains consistent advantage over time and can quickly put a game out of your opponent's reach. There is no other two drop that will escalate out of control as quickly as Knife Juggler. 232 帶嘲諷+持續傷害 打我阿笨蛋 ---------- 5. Twilight Drake 暮光飛龍 Twilight Drake is similar to Chillwind Yeti. A big four drop with four Attack and potentially high health. Twilight Drake is often worse than Chillwind Yeti but there are few cards that aren't; and to be fair, a turn three or four Twilight Drake can potentially be bigger. Twilight Drake also gets a bad reputation for being weak to Silences. I would argue that this isn't as big of a drawback as it initially seems because a silenced Twilight Drake is still a 4/1 that will kill whatever attacks into it after already soaking up a powerful effect. The major downside to Twilight Drake, Earth Shock excluded, is that it is a very bad top deck late in the game. At the end of the day, however, a timely Twilight Drake will usually be the biggest threat on the board. 雪人之下眾人之上四點怪 四攻可以換全部 好吧 怕大地震擊 --------- 6. Sunwalker 日行者 Sunwalker is everything you want in a Taunt minion. She is fat enough to stick around and has enough Attack to take down whatever attacks. Sure six mana is a lot, and you don't want many six drops, but Sunwalker is good enough to compete for these spots if you can't get an Argent Commander; she may even be better in some decks. It could be said that Sunwalker has a downside of not immediately affecting the game, but I disagree with this for two reasons. First of all, we want an immediate impact out of our high cost minions because that way they have some effect even if they are instantly removed. However, soaking up removal and minion attacks is exactly what we want from Sunwalker with the high health/Divine Shield/Taunt combination. Secondly, Sunwalker does impact the board when she lands simply by being so large on the field 肥妞聖盾嘲諷 換怪換爽 ---------- 7. Mind Control Tech 精神控制技師 "Mind Control Tech is a Vanilla Test passer at 3/3 for 3 and he would get played without any ability at all. Regardless of the variance and conditional nature of his ability, it is still purely upside on an otherwise playable minion. Looking at Mind Control Tech's ability directly, it is obviously quite powerful and that’s why he is so high on this list. It could be argued that Mind Control Tech should not be this high because his ability has a steep requirement attached to it. This is a flawed argument because you get to choose when to play him. If you aren't under any pressure, you can always hold off on Mind Control Tech and let your opponent build up their board. If you are under pressure or the correct play is just to make a 3/3, he is able to do that as well. 3/3/3 順風逆風都可以出 The trap that players often fall into when evaluating swingy cards like Mind Control Tech is to focus too much on the best or worst case scenario. If you have saved your Mind Control Tech for a time when his ability can trigger, then he will -- on average -- steal something at least respectable: gaining yourself an effective 2-for-1 on the spot. Another thing to consider is that most opponents won't be playing absolutely junk minions. You could argue that the true worst case scenario occurs when you hold him in your hand all game and never even get the 3/3 out of him; however, that is probably more of a play error by trying to be too greedy. 拉到就是二換一 不要太貪心想拉強怪 拉到賺到 Note: Mind Control Tech goes down in value if you are building a Mage deck and already have access to Flamestrikes. 有烈焰風暴不要選他了 ------------ 8. Defender of Argus 阿古斯防衛者 Defender of Argus was great and has dropped since the nerf. At a four mana 3/3, there was less pressure on him to make up for being small for his cost: buffing one minion and giving it Taunt made him worth the four mana. Now as a 2/3, however, he is far less relevant on his own and to be worth four mana you will really want to be hitting two minions with his Battlecry. That said, he's obviously great when you do get the double buff, but it is harder to get your full value than before. NERF玩不值錢 有吼到兩隻比較划算 ------------- 9. Imp Master 小鬼召喚師 Imp Master is a subtle kind of threat. She will come down early and start pumping out minions: they may only be 1/1s, but they add up. Imp Master is likely to be ignored because 1/1s don't appear threatening, but they do have utility in terms of buff targets etc. Another upside is that smaller dispersed minions are better on defense because they can soak up extra attacks if your opponent over-evaluates the threat they pose. 垃圾小鬼可以BUFF可以吸收傷害 ------------ 10. Emperor Cobra 帝王眼鏡蛇 It is hard to get screwed out of at least a 1-for-1 with your Emperor Cobra. If you play him early, his ability may not be super relevant. Emperor Cobra, however, is in a cool slot for a cheap minion in that he is never a dead draw. The common problem with your two and three drops is that they are miserable draws in the late game: Emperor Cobra is almost never irrelevant and there is value in that. 1換1 不過你要抽到對得時間 怎樣都會有功能 ------------- Good While maybe not as flashy as the previous category, these are all serious contributors to a strong deck and you will want to be filling out your deck with as many of them as possible. 11. Wild Pyromancer 狂野火占師 Wild Pyromancer is a two mana 3/2 so we already have a winner. His ability may seem like a drawback but you are in full control of its activation. If you choose never to trigger his ability, getting a Bloodfen Raptor is perfectly fine. There is, of course, the potential to be able to turn his ability into an upside for you. 2/3/2 贏了 不想燒就選迅猛龍 燒到賺到 --------------- 12. Injured Blademaster 受傷的大劍師 Injured Blademaster may seem tricky, but the fact of the matter is that a vanilla 4/3 for three is pretty sweet! He has a bit of added value for some classes, especially Priests, but this is a quality minion that any deck would be happy to have. Injured Blademaster can also synergize well with another good Common creature, Earthen Ring Farseer. A metagame consideration for Injured Blademaster makes him a little less exciting due to the popularity of 3/2s, but that doesn't drag him down too far. 3/4/3 又贏了 牧師or瘋狂煉金 神combo 滿街3攻2r怪吃點虧 不過還是猛 ------------ 13. Violet Teacher 紫羅蘭教師 Violet Teacher has stats right about where we want them for a four drop. The ability is pure upside; whether or not it triggers is just gravy. Where Violet Teacher falls behind is that it is in the dreaded four drop slot. The curse of four drops is that there are many good ones 四點優質 有無發動都賺 但是四點神怪太多了 ------------ 14. Abomination 憎惡體 Abomination is a ticking time-bomb. It is near unavoidable that Abomination will bring things down with it when he dies. The trick to Abomination is that he has Taunt. His Taunt takes away your opponent's options for attack while freeing up your minions to set up for the eventual sweep that will occur due to the Deathrattle. It is important to note, however, that Abomination can be fairly awkward in a dedicated Aggro deck where his Deathrattle can be far worse for you. 嘲諷+死亡吱聲讓你能夠搶到噗怪得先機 不過也要注意缺點 ------------- Average These are fine. As the header suggests you should feel alright with them but never thrilled. 15. Ravenholdt Assassin 拉文霍德刺客 Ravenholdt Assassin is expensive but Stealth and seven Attack means he'll always kill what you're looking to get out of the way. He may not be the most exciting late game minion, but Stealth makes up for his cost by ensuring that you won't get blown out after spending your whole turn on Ravenholdt Assassin. 潛行確保你這七點沒浪費 就這樣 ------------- 16. Gadgetzan Auctioneer 加基森拍賣師 Gadgetzan Auctioneer is similar to Azure Drake but asks more of you. The five mana means that you will rarely activate him on the turn you play it and he will be a target on your opponent's next turn. That said, if you already drafted a good number of spells then he goes up significantly as the ability to cash in for multiple cards is a considerable upside. 複雜蒼藍龍 除非你當回合接一堆魔法 不然就soso -------------- 17. Sunfury Protector 日怒保衛者 Sunfury Protector is as bit awkward in that he is a cheap minion that you don't necessarily want to play early. Taunt on its own is not the most exciting of abilities, especially in the early game when minions are just trading off regardless. However, Sunfury Protector gains extra value in the late game where a Taunt can be more valuable and that’s an important factor for an early drop. All in all, Sunfury Protector may not be the most powerful minion on the list, but just being a two mana 2/3 isn't that bad in a worst case scenario. 前期盾很爛 中後期兩個盾就猛 2/2/3 也不錯 -------------------- 18. Demolisher 石毀車 Demolisher is an annoying minion. Demolisher has a lot of Health for a three drop, but the ability is the most frustrating of all. As somebody playing against Demolisher, you more or less have to kill it in case it randomly hits the one minion you want to keep alive. And as the player with Demolisher, you can feel bad as it consistently fails to hit what you want. Another point to consider is that Demolisher will eat hits from two different 3/2s if that's all you have and thus forcing a big waste of damage. Demolisher isn't the greatest minion around, but feel free to go for it if you want to roll the dice. 4滴血 機緣巧合 吃3攻也不死 賺差距 吃人品 不差 ----------- 19. Questing Adventurer 解任務的冒險者 Questing Adventurer has a lot of upside. To compensate for that potential, however, you have to take on some risk with a three mana 2/2. Questing Adventurer is a skill-tester minion in that playing him on turn three is very often a mistake. You should think of Questing Adventurer as a Combo minion because you really need to get at least one activation to get your mana's worth. That said, playing him and passing the turn may occasionally be correct, but it is a risky line. 會變大 把他當連擊卡 不要3r出 ----------- 20. Crazed Alchemist 瘋狂的鍊金師 Crazed Alchemist fails the Vanilla Test as a two mana 2/2 and his ability doesn't do much to help him out. You may be able to think of scenarios or combos that completely break this card -- killing totems or Lightwells for example -- but the average case is far closer to the disappointing end of the spectrum. 222 不優 圖騰/光束泉殺手 此外沒啥特別COMBO --------- 21. Arcane Golem 秘法魔像 "Arcane Golem is another risky play. He may be an efficient removal spell in terms of mana spent, but you should be sure that your target is really worth killing because you will be at a disadvantage until turn ten. To be fair, Arcane Golem gets better as the game proceeds and his drawback becomes less relevant. He may not be a high pick, but be careful about the timing of playing him if you have him in your deck. Aside: Arcane Golem is great in a blitz-aggro style deck. Those decks are rare in Arena but if you're positioned well for it he's going to gain value for sure. 猛將 但是你要考慮缺點 然後他說在 blitz-aggro style deck特猛 不過高端貴求說明 -------------- Poor Your deck will have some of these, it is unavoidable. These minions are not very efficient and picking between two of them is more a matter of what your deck is lacking at the point where you need to make this call. 22. Pint-Sized Summoner 迷你召喚師 Pint-Sized Summoner is interesting in many of the same ways as Mana Wraith: both can give you momentum, but they are small enough that they can be easily dealt with. The upside on Pint-Sized Summoner is quite good where we can dream of ramping into a turn three Chillwind Yeti with no coin. Her worst case scenario of getting killed early isn't even that bad, but we are looking for more from our rare picks. 就是個氣勢怪 3R出雪人 但是其實影響不大容易被殺 ----------- 23. Master Swordsmith 劍類鍛造大師 Master Swordsmith is a win-more card: if your 1/3 is sticking around for more than a turn you must be in a good spot regardless. With another minion out he isn't awful as it is effectively giving 2/3 worth of value. However, Master Swordsmith gets very sad and lonely when there are no other minions to buff M. 順風怪 -------- 24. Mana Wraith 法力怨靈 Mana Wraith is a bit small for what we want out of our two drops. The ability is interesting in that it is symmetrical. Mana Wraith is best in the early game where you can get out to an early lead, but quickly becomes irrelevant in the late game: either your opponent will have extra mana in the late game, or will be able to deal with a late 2/2. 前期有優勢可以拉開 後期2/2就是個扎扎 ------- 25. Young Priestess 年輕的女牧師 Young Priestess is similar to Pint-Sized Summoner in that, even though they’ re not awful, they’re probably not worth a rare slot in your deck. We should note that it is often a mistake to run out your Young Priestess into an empty board. Many of the common minions lost points for being fragile 2/1s and the same applies here. Young Priestess is more powerful with more minions on the board where you can guarantee at least one activation. 順風檯面怪多才比較好 SOSO --------- Terrible It's impossible to outrun variance forever. Sometimes you will have to pick up one of these, but you really should never want to. 26. Bloodsail Corsair 血帆海寇 Bloodsail Corsair has a low impact statline and a marginal ability. It may not be fair to expect too much from a one drop, but at the same time there are better options out there than Bloodsail Corsair. 就垃圾 --------- 27. Ancient Mage 老邁的法師 Ancient Mage needs some help as a four mana 2/5 and he doesn't really get it. Usually, getting bonus Spell Power is not really good enough to make up for the undersized body. And like Defender of Argus, you can't always even guarantee two buff targets. The curse of the four drops(there are so m any good four drops!) also comes back to slam the door on this poor Mage. 4/2/5 爛 兩個法傷 OK 不過你要弄到兩隻 四點好怪太多了 你爛 --------- 28. Mana Addict 魔法成癮者 Mana Addict would be sweet without the "this turn" text. One Attack is not enough to make an impact and most Arena decks value minions over spells. Therefore, your Mana Addict will most likely be dealt with for little cost before it can trigger and become a threat. 競技場法術不多 ---------- 29. Coldlight Oracle 冷光神諭者 Coldlight Oracle seems like he should be good the effect is symmetrical, but you get a 2/2 out of the deal. The problem is that your opponent will get to use his new cards first and with more mana. A little 2/2 will not be enough to make up this deficit. 對面比你多兩滴魔用那兩張卡 快逃阿 -------- 30. Coldlight Seer 冷光先知 Coldlight Seer will not have enough murlocs to buff in your Arena deck and a three mana 2/3 fails the Vanilla Test. His body isn't the worst, so he ranks above some of the other minions to come, but he is certainly not exciting. 競技場沒魚人 掰 ---------- 31. Secretkeeper 保密者 Secrets, for the classes that even have access to them, are very situational and often not very high picks. Secretkeeper isn't very good on her own so the argument becomes "is doing two bad things to make an ok thing a good plan"? The answer is no since a card that can do good things without help is way more consistent. 競技場沒秘密 -------- 32. Alarm-o-Bot 警報機器人 Alarm-o-Bot is like the unfortunate step-sibling of Mind Control Tech. It has a very high variance ability but lacks the relevant body. Furthermore, with the current trend of Arena, most decks are running a fairly low curve. In an average deck, therefore, you probably won't be getting much ahead off his ability. 競技場大怪少 ---------- 33. Lightwarden 護光者 Lightwarden obviously goes up in value in a Priest deck. For the other eight classes, however, she is too low impact and will never trigger. 牧師專用 -------- 34. Ancient Watcher 遠古看守者 Ancient Watcher has potential and is beginning to see play in Constructed decks. He is, however, unreliable when it comes to Arena because you will not be able to reliably make him relevant with either a Silence ability, a creature that gives Taunt, or Shadowflame. 你有沉默/嘲諷/暗影之燄嗎 -------- 35. Murloc Tidecaller 魚人招潮者 Murloc Tidecaller is good in a Murloc deck. The problem is, you're not going to have a Murloc deck in Arena. 競技場你組魚人牌膩 ------ 36. Angry Chicken 憤怒雞 It's not going to work. 垃圾 In all seriousness, though, Angry Chicken combined with some buffs such as Blessing of Kings could provide an average result, but setting up that combo for just an average result is just plain too much work. 垃圾 ---- 隨便亂翻 歡迎改進指教 細節請看原文 http://www.liquidhearth.com/forum/viewmessage.php?topic_id=835 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
gcobc12632 :之前在競技場遇到戰士拿法術成癮者 一回合洗到十幾攻 02/09 20:54
hunter10817 :推 02/09 21:03
berlinlinUZI:翻的蠻精闢的XD 02/09 21:52
tomalex :洗10幾攻也是可遇不可求吧@@ 02/09 21:55
ching000 :射★惹~ 02/09 21:59
makooyoo :瘋狂煉金師有奇效啊 02/09 22:03
makooyoo :快死的冒險者/食屍鬼/白沫救回來繼續養 02/09 22:04
yufung :翻得不錯! 02/09 22:05
makooyoo :救過最機車的是1回硬幣後+3攻擊的法力怨靈 02/09 22:05
bye2007 :很棒的翻譯 言簡意駭 XD 02/09 22:21
staristic :原作者看到憤怒雞的翻譯會不會覺得中文超神XD 02/09 22:26
staristic :一長串說明兩個方塊字解決XD 02/09 22:27
kimimskimi :樓上有認真看過英文的說明嗎..... 02/09 23:41
pride829 :..... 02/10 02:19
jeff781217 :煉金術師我覺得是神卡欸 拿來解大屁股低攻怪好用 02/10 02:40
jeff781217 :你有大屁股的怪在場上活著也能丟鍊金收尾 02/10 02:42
blue05 :我覺得垃圾翻得很精隨呀XD 02/10 03:13
lpiglet :我當初看原文 就覺得她是要說垃圾 果然有人這樣翻... 02/10 04:36
flow1978 :很多卡並不是差,而是在競技場這環境不易發生效用 02/10 11:59
flow1978 :畢竟不容易選到互相搭配的牌 02/10 11:59
flow1978 :即使各選到一張,很多場才成功一次意義不大 02/10 12:02
Beersheep :翻得不錯XD 02/11 19:59
Hambowbow :推翻譯 02/12 16:24