看板 P2PSoftWare 關於我們 聯絡資訊
Release 0.42a =================================== Reworked Hashing system and conflict resolution Added Queue System for torrents fixed issues with kad publishments solved some mulekad issues Add proper a4af management for eMule Added file prealocation to prevent freezes when writign at fare indexes Make grabber search file not startable add file dialog now parses urls from text Add info to summary window, captcha solvers hosster bans active stuf etc.. Add port warning store last directory from which DLCs or torrents were opened handle the case better when some links are temporary down if no other sources start downloading auto switch to archive hash wait 2 minutes (if no sources available wait 30sek) save passwords in archive links reworked archive handling added mega progress reworked SCT block handling Modifyed part request to improve part clustering 下載連結 Windows:http://update.neoloader.to/win/x86/NeoSetup.exe Mac OS X:http://update.neoloader.to/macos/NeoLoader.zip Linux:http://update.neoloader.to/linux/x86/NeoLoader.tar.gz Linux (x64):http://update.neoloader.to/linux/x64/NeoLoader.tar.gz 文章來源: http://board.neoloader.com/neoloader-releases/3399-neoloader-0-42-release.html NeoLoader ChangeLog: http://board.neoloader.com/neoloader-releases/3155-neoloader-changelog.html BUG列表: http://board.neoloader.com/bugs/3340-know-bugs-continuously-updated.html eMule Fans 介紹: http://emulefans.com/neoloader-v0-10-beta/zh-tw/ 心得: 這次多了一個新功能,下載ed2k檔案時,可以自動尋找相同檔案的magnet連結, 利用ed2k和BT同時下載這個檔案, 有兩個必要條件: 1.這個magnet連結曾經被其他neoloder使用者下載完成過 2.這個magnet連結裡面只能只有這個檔案,不可以為包含複數檔案的magnet連結 例如: 1號magnet連結裡面只有A檔案---符合條件 2號magnet連結裡面有A檔案和B檔案---不符合條件 符合以上的條件,neoloader就自動會使用這個功能, 還有另個用法 當你下載一個megnet連結(3號連結)為複數檔案(C檔案和D檔案)時, 它可以從以下幾個得到來源 1.magnet(3號連結) 2.C檔案(ED2K) 3.D檔案(ED2K) 4.C檔案(magnet) 5.D檔案(magnet) END -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: