推 chiaweisu:寫的真好 :) 05/17 18:48
※ 編輯: kelly7788 來自: (05/17 19:00)
推 sydbeson:清楚+1 05/17 20:12
推 cuteluluc:這一篇文章值 506 銀 (Y) 05/17 20:39
推 memboboo:太棒了 精簡版的產品開發流程不過對還沒踏進門的還是天書 05/17 22:45
推 memboboo:一月入行的新手,原本四月就要MP的案子 05/17 22:49
→ memboboo:搞到下個禮拜才要DVT 2 一步步都是血淚的教訓.... 05/17 22:49
→ kelly7788:可以分享一下你的血淚嗎~@@~ 05/17 23:02
→ lmanchu:MTBF 應該是Mean Time Between Failure吧.... 05/17 23:18
Mean time before failure是 MTTF~
"Mean time before failure" is a reliability calculation, often referred to as
Mean Time To Failure , or MTTF.
"Mean time between critical failure" is often simply called Mean Time Between
Failures, or MTBF.
MTBF (mean time between failures) is the expected time between two successive
failures of a system. Therefore, MTBF is a key reliability metric for systems
that can be repaired or restored. MTTF (mean time to failure) is the expected
time to failure of a system. Non-repairable systems can fail only once.
Therefore, for a non-repairable system, MTTF is equivalent to the mean of its
failure time distribution. Repairable systems can fail several times. In
general, it takes more time for the first failure to occur than it does for
subsequent failures to occur. Therefore, MTTF for a repairable system can
represent one of two things: (1) the mean time to first failure (MTTFF) or
(2) the mean uptime (MUT) within a failure-repair cycle in a long run.
※ 編輯: kelly7788 來自: (05/18 00:40)
推 crazyplayer:應該是Between才對 MTTF 是 To 05/18 00:30
推 tommyen:辛苦Kelly~ 05/18 12:24
推 Imagirlygirl:推薦這篇文章!! 05/19 14:22
推 birdpon:真是太強 @@ 06/22 21:13
推 birdpon:再推一次~~~~~~ 06/22 21:14