看板 RealPlaying 關於我們 聯絡資訊
deepseas:補上一個他最近在官網的帖子http://ppt.cc/EM(b 其他不評
順便翻一下 Mike Laidlaw 賣客。累的肉 Hey guys and gals, Hi各位童鞋好, As some of you have noted, I have been absent from these forums for a time, and my apologies for going dark, but I did not feel prepared to deal with some of the more personal attacks in a professional manner. And as a rule if I don't feel like I'm going to be professional, I don't post. You guys deserve better than that. 你們當中應該有人注意到我已經好一陣子沒上論壇了,我為個人消失在此道個歉, 然而我還沒準備好用鬍子來回應一些(更多的)人蔘攻擊。 我的原則是 -- 當我意識到想po出來的東西會不太敬業,那我就不po了。 當然各位應獲得的回應不該謹此而已。 Now, while I haven't been posting, we have been listening. Several folks have been active on the forums and moderating the more extreme discussions, and more of us have been collecting your feedback, concerns, criticisms and the parts you enjoyed of DA II. This feedback is invaluable to us, and so I wanted to take a moment and say thank you. 那麼,我沒po文章的時候都有在關心。 幾個夥伴很積極的關注論壇,也有幫一些激烈的討論降溫, 其他人則一直在收集你們的回應、關心、及批評,包括那個你們DA2玩的很爽的部份。 各位的回應無價,所以我要說聲謝謝大家I’d like to take this opportunity to address some lingering concerns and clear the air somewhat. 我想趁這次機會吐露一些懸念順便消除些誤會Following the launch of DA II, I did some interviews and some of you interpreted my statements to mean I was blind to the concerns that have been voiced repeatedly on these forums. That was never my intent, nor the message I wanted to convey. 自DA2發售以來,我做了些訪談, 發現*你們有些人*把我的話解釋成*我根本不在意*那些早就在論壇上被講到翻的東西。 這並非我的初衷,也不是我想傳達的意思。 I am absolutely aware of the concerns voiced here. Issues like level re-use, the implementation of wave combat, concerns about the narrative and significance of choice and so on have all been not only noted, but examined, inspected and even aided me (and many, many others on the team) in formulating future plans. Further, I'm not only aware of the concerns, but I agree that there are aspects of DA II that not only can but must be improved in future installments. And that is precisely our intent. 我絕對有留意到這些關注的聲音。 那些問題像是 - 環保的罐頭地圖、潮水般湧來的怪物、 敘事方式跟對話選擇的重要性...諸如此類,不只是被留意到,還有被檢驗和觀察, 甚至也幫助我(以及很多製作團隊的其他人)規劃這個未來的藍圖。 更進一步地,我不只是留意到而已, 我很認同DA2有幾個部份是可以在未來的*資料騙*裡被改善的。 這才是我們的用意。 Finally, let me conclude by saying that while we are all aware of your concerns, I am very proud of what the team accomplished with Dragon Age II. I know many are advocating a "it wasn't broke, why did you try to fix it?" stance, and I absolutely understand why. From my perspective, as someone looking to the future and the DA franchise, I think that DA II moved us into a space that has more potential. 最後讓我下個結論,製作小組都有留意到各位的*關注*, 當下我對DA2的成就是非常*驕傲*的。 我知道很多人這樣主張:"這遊戲沒有作壞啊,製作小組為什麼還要修改呢?" 我超理解的。 從我的角度來看,就像是某人看未來將有的DA系列作品一樣, 我認為DA2讓我們踏進了一個更有潛力的境界。 A larger potential audience? Sure, who wouldn’t want more players diving into the experience of playing an RPG? More importantly, though, I believe that there's also more potential for rich stories, for deeper RPG mechanics, for more choice, and for something even more epic to come. The story events of DA II have fundamentally altered the political and power landscape of Thedas, in a way that's open to intrigue, drama and sweeping conflict in the future, and evolves a world that, while still very much involving the Grey Wardens and Darkspawn, is about more than just that one struggle. 更多的潛在顧客群?當然,誰不想要玩RPG的人變多呢? 更重要地,恩,我相信還有很多棒透的故事,更深刻的RPG要素、更多的抉擇、 以及更史詩的東西會出現; DA2的故事情節已經為Thedas大陸的政治和各方勢力打好了基礎, 未來將還會用陰謀、戲劇性的情節、消弭鬥爭的方式 來展開一個和灰衛/Darkspawn有重大關聯的世界。 Hawke's story was a departure from the usual tale, and in crafting it and the game around it we learned a lot. Some from what worked, but even more from what didn't. Such is always the way. I hope that in the future we'll be able to discuss how we're addressing your concerns and even solicit feedback from you on future plans in the process, but for now, I hope a simple thank you will suffice. 鄉民Hawke的傳說發自於一個平凡的故事情節,我們從創造這個故事/遊戲當中學到不少。 部份學自於我們作到的,但是更多部份的是學自我們沒作到的。 這種事情本來就是這樣。 我希望我們未來可以討論我們自己是如何去*詮釋*各位的意見, 還會進一步從各位身上徵求對於未來計畫的看法和回饋, 但是以現在來說,我希望一個簡單的謝謝就已經足夠。 In the mean time, though, I stumbled across a few images I thought I might share with you folks. After all, there’s been a lot of requests to explore areas outside of Kirkwall, and I agree that seeing some more of the Free Marches would be cool. 現在,恩...我找到一些我想分享給各位的圖片; 畢竟還是有很多人要求要走到Kirkwall外面, 而且我也覺得多看看Free Marches地區不錯。 -- 謝謝 ˋ(°▽ ° )ˊ 謝謝 -- raining outside "I thought it will set me free but it...didn't change anything." "You are missing the point." -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
antiflunk:才讀兩篇我就已經討厭他的I understand了,因為接下去的 05/31 03:08
antiflunk:話讓人覺得你到底是懂了甚麼= =... 05/31 03:08
antiflunk:還有RPG mechanics終於出現了,不過是在一個though子句裡 05/31 03:09
antiflunk:lol and 標重點GJ = =b 他的話真是需要用解碼器讀 05/31 03:10
※ 編輯: mikejr 來自: (05/31 03:17)
sivid:話說回來他能說什麼.. 我們做得有夠爛洩洩指教? 05/31 04:29
Slime:Mike Laidlaw: 上面還想要這塊招牌,但是我不被允許說出實情 05/31 04:40
Slime:他們用我去看泌尿科的醫療紀錄威脅我,要我不管如何都得讓玩 05/31 04:40
Slime:家跟各個論壇都能得到不打不罵的評價,也因此我去上了課程, 05/31 04:41
Slime:這消失不回應的日子我每天都在寫企劃書,畢竟我是學程設的阿 05/31 04:42
Slime:不是政治系畢業的怪物,我想我已經做的夠好了.. 我.. 05/31 04:43
Slime:當下面被電燒過後,我終於明白我修課也是因為只剩一張嘴了 05/31 04:44
evonre:....看這傢伙打嘴砲真是無言 05/31 07:43
deepseas:話說...原Po是「賣客二世」捏(Mike jr.) XDDD 05/31 12:34
賣客。揪你耳 A_A ※ 編輯: mikejr 來自: (05/31 13:34)
deepseas:啊~別揪我耳呀! XDD 05/31 14:10
kaj1983:超環保的XDDD,如果EA的衛生紙的再利用率能和遊戲場景一樣 05/31 15:05
kaj1983:EA就是一間綠公司了XDD 05/31 15:05
※ 編輯: mikejr 來自: (06/01 01:48)