看板 love-vegetal 關於我們 聯絡資訊
謝謝你分享這首動人的小詩,讀著讀著覺得非常喜歡,就自己嘗試翻譯了一下。 由於經驗不多,翻譯起來很生澀,還請大家指點、交流!:) --- A POEM TO MY VEGAN* DAUGHTER (by Heather Leughmyer) 獻給我的維根小天使 /希瑟・留米爾 You'll never watch an elephant standing on her head, 大象倒立的模樣,吸引不了妳的目光 You will see amazing acrobats and painted clowns instead. 雜耍高手和繽紛小丑才真正值得妳欣賞 You'll never color Easter eggs or eat a "Happy" Meal, 復活彩蛋或滿漢全席,全不在妳心上 Instead you'll give pigs belly rubs; you'll know chickens dream and feel. 小豬的圓肚和小雞的酣夢都在妳的夢鄉 The clamor from the ice cream truck won't be music to your ears, 冰淇淋攤販周邊的喝采不是歡騰聲響 You will know your Soy Delicious caused no suffering or tears. 妳兀自品味舌尖豆乳冰淇淋的喜樂安詳 You may hear a gentle gobble as you softly stroke a turkey, 當妳摩挲火雞,牠溫柔的啼鳴正颻颺 And give thanks that she's alive as you're eating your Tofurky. 佐著這生命的喜悅妳能安享野菜豆腐揚 While other kids buy leather shoes and eat at Chuck E. Cheese, 當其他孩子踏著皮鞋,喝著乳香世家 You'll be kissing cows and feeding goats and saying "soy please!" 妳會吻吻乳牛拍拍山羊:「何不來杯豆漿?」 Being different can be hard I know. This world is often cruel, 這世界對太多事實無動於衷,我懂妳需要多大勇氣來與眾不同 Maybe you'll be laughed at by the other kids at school. 或許還得忍受同儕的冷嘲熱諷 But compassion is a vital gift that too few share with others, 但當妳懂得憐憫,這件人們最吝於分享的重大禮物 And your heart will not be filled with guilt the way it plagues your mother's. 便不會步上妳母親這條背負罪惡的艱辛道路 So don't ever be embarrassed or ashamed because you care, 記得永遠別因為關心,而窘迫喪氣 You'll be uniquely beautiful with an empathy that's rare. 妳的心因為憐憫而有了無與倫比的美麗 And when you see a rescued lamb and touch his thick warm fleece, 當妳感受到一身厚實溫暖,擁住那幸免於難的羔羊 You'll feel no sadness or remorse; you can look at him in peace. 沒有悲傷沒有悔恨,只有無盡平靜與安詳 What took so long for me to learn, I'll start teaching you from birth, 甫一出生妳便開始學習,這門我跌跌撞撞摸索半生的課題 And your footprint will be much tinier on this fragile earth. 在這脆弱不堪的藍色星球上,妳遺下的會是最溫柔而輕盈的足跡 --- 謝謝大家觀賞,獻醜了!X) -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
uelx:太感謝了!! 翻的很美。謝謝 04/11 09:17
veggiegene:推!好細膩的翻譯 04/11 11:43
torico:推翻譯 為了符合原文押運應該下了很多工夫 大推 04/11 12:16
ya0380:可否借轉詩版? 04/11 13:17
Herc:GO GREAT!借轉 facebook 04/11 13:21
shunnanC:太厲害! 04/11 16:20
謝謝你們喜歡! 很感動也很驚奇,因為這算是我第一次公開的翻譯^^"對我而言是很大的肯定呢 有許多部分為了押韻的確還有可以改進的空間 只希望沒有過分扭曲了原詩意思,還能保有母親寫給女兒的那份真摯 如果是我翻譯的中文,很歡迎轉載哦~ 希望動人的詩和那份誠摯的心情能讓更多人讀到! 只是不曉得符不符合詩板規定,因為這不是原創,如果沒問題當然很榮幸>< ※ 編輯: jennylin1553 來自: (04/11 20:54) ya0380:轉錄至看板 poem 04/11 21:18
Pengu:推推 翻譯的很美妙 04/11 23:32
keromoon:翻譯得真美 04/13 10:19
ijuin:謝謝~借轉fb~ 04/15 23:36