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Michael Bay on Transformers! 麥克貝談變形金剛! 上集..因為..太多內容了。 沒有洩露劇情,很多關於麥克貝個人的問題,給大家參考,希望炒熱點氣氛囉。 Source: Superhero Hype! June 20, 2007 出處:http://www.superherohype.com Transformers director Michael Bay participated in a press conference at the Four Seasons hotel in Los Angeles on Saturday, June 16 and we've got the full rundown of what the helmer said about the big screen adaptation: 變形金剛導演 Michael Bay 六月十六號星期六在洛杉磯四季酒店 出席記者會,我們將採訪內容完整重現,聽聽看電影背後的推手有 哪些想法。 Q1: I know my colleagues are going to have "Transformers" questions, but I wanted to know your reaction to "Hot Fuzz" which was so inspired by "Bad Boys 2," and that you said that you were offered "Die Hard 4" and I was wondering if this hadn't come together would you have considered doing that? Q1:我知道這裡的記者們會問起變形金剛,但是,我想知道你對於 「Hot Fuzz」的看法是什麼?畢竟,這是一部受到「絕地戰警2」啟 發的電影,而且你曾經提到「終極警探4」製作群曾經與你洽談過。 我想知道的是,如果,如果時光倒轉,你會考慮接下終極警探4嗎? Bay: "Die Hard 4," no, I don't think so. "Hot Fuzz," I haven't seen it yet, because I was finishing this movie. It's really hard, the end of your post schedule is such a grind, seeing a movie is like the last thing you want to do when you go home. I thought this would be an easy post, on our budget we had a hiatus scheduled in here, because I said, "Oh, my God, I have the longest post schedule," I didn't think the robots would be that hard, but I was directing them all the way to the very end. Bay:終極警探4。。嗯。。我想不會吧。至於「Hot Fuzz」我還 沒看過,因為我把時間花在變形金剛的後期製作上。這真的很難,後 期製作真的相當耗費心力,基本上回家之後,你不會想要「喔,來看 部電影放鬆一下吧」。原本,投入變形金剛這檔事在我想像中相當。。 「不趕」因為,我們原本的拍攝計畫中是有空檔的,而我那時候就想 說「喔,天啊,我有史以來第一次有這麼長的時間可以用在後期製作 上」,我完全不知道機器人有那麼那麼難處理,但是,我還是堅持到 最後。 Q2: How did you balance the needs of your vision as a filmmaker with those of Spielberg and those of the fans? I noticed that there are definitely some Spielberg elements to this film. Q2:你怎麼在你自己、史匹柏、變形金剛迷之間取得一個平衡的角度來 切入這部電影?我知道,電影中有很明顯的史匹柏特色。 Bay: Listen, I make my own movie, I don't have someone tell me what to do. I've always been inspired by Steven. I was not a Transformers fan before I signed on to this movie. I think I was two years older when the toys came out, so I just discovered girls then instead of Optimus Prime. But I quickly became after I went to Hasbro, where you heard about that Transformers school? Bay:聽好,我 自 己 拍 我 自 己 的 電 影,不會有 人告訴我該怎麼拍。我一直受到史匹柏的啟發。在接下這份工作之 前,我不是個變形金剛迷。我想,當初玩具上市的時候,我已經進入 青春期了吧,所以,我對女生的興趣比「鐵牛」高。但是,當我拜訪 過孩之寶公司後,我很快就開始對變形金剛產生興趣,你有聽過「變 形金剛衝刺班」嗎? I really thought, "What the f*ck am I going to Hasbro for Transformers school? I thought I was going to learn how to fold up robots, but I met with the CEO and I went through the whole Transformer lore. I've been offered a lot of superhero movies before and nothing's really appealed to me and in the room, because I've been such a fan of Japanese anime it just hit me that if I make this really real it could be something very new and different. So I quickly became probably one of the bigger Transformer fans in the world, 我聽到的時候就想「他X的,我要到玩具公司參加變形金剛衝刺 班?」我以為我會學會怎麼「玩」變形金剛玩具,但是,我遇到 了執行長,我完整的了解整個變型金剛的歷史。之前,我也有與 許多超級英雄電影的計畫接觸過,但是,沒什麼特別吸引我的東 西。然而,在那個衝刺班中,我看的那麼多東西,我一直是日本 動畫迷,所以,有個主意就在我腦中浮現「要是我能把這個主題 拍得栩栩如生,那一定很創新,也會很特別」。所以,我很快就 成為世界前幾名變形金剛迷。 and I tried to make this movie for non-Transformer fans, okay, and I wanted it to be a little bit more, if you could say, adult, so I'm sure I'm going to get flack for ?you made an edgy movie on a toy, how is that going to affect kids? I know there are Transformer fans that are 40 years old. Now that I'm rambling... 而且,我還把算讓這部電影也吸引到不認識變形金剛的觀眾。好吧, 我還想要這部電影,多了點,「成熟度」。我知道我一定會被問起 「嘿,你幹麻把一部玩具電影拍得這麼複雜?那麼多衝突?你有沒有 想過小孩子看了會怎麼想?」我知道有些變形金剛迷已經四十歲了。 好吧,我離題了。 Q3: One thing I kept hearing from this movie, from the actors is what a great actor's director Michael Bay is, which is a whole new theme we haven't heard before, did you do something different? Q3:我一直聽到一個說法是,變形金剛的參演演員不斷談到你是多麼 會啟發她們的導演。這是個過去我沒聽過的說法,你有改變自己的風 格嗎? Bay: No, listen, the sound byte ?press is very weird, because a sound byte gets out there, Michael Bay yells. Listen, I am very similar, I visited Jim Cameron on "Titanic," I'm very similar the way he directs, he's an assistant director, I'm an assistant director of my own sets, I move my own sets, I shoot very fast, I never leave the set, and I love working with actors, I love giving actors freedom, I love improv-ing with actors, Bay:不不,聽好,關於那些謠言。媒體很奇怪。。我想不透那些 謠言是怎麼來的(他在這裡大叫)聽好,我在柯麥隆拍「鐵達尼」的 時候去拜訪過他,我跟他很像,他是個親力親為式的導演。在我的片 廠,我也是個親力親為式的導演,我會自己在場景中調整東調整西, 我拍攝步調很快,我從不會(中途)離開片廠,我很愛與演員共事, 我很愛給演員自由,我超愛演員臨場不按劇本發揮, it freaks studios out because they're like, "That wasn't in the script, what's this, he's wrecking the movie." And I'm like, "Trust me, it's going to be funny," because there's a whole issue of tone in this movie. But when I'm doing action scenes I'm going to be your worst nightmare basketball coach, that's to get the energy, the adrenalin going. 而出錢的人很怕這點,他們都想說「嘿!這段劇本上沒有?!搞什 麼?他在亂搞嗎?照劇本來嘛!」我會說:「相信我,這會很有趣 的」因為,電影有很多關於「調性」問題。但是,當我在拍動作戲 時,我會變成你最不想遇到的人,我會變成你的夢靨,因為我要的是 能量,我要人看了腎上腺素不斷湧出。 Q4: How much of what we see is improvised and what about the "Armageddon" joke? Q4:有多少「不按牌理出牌」的片段,還有,片中有「世界末日」的笑話吧? Bay: Well, that's just me, I'm like, okay, this kid is so funny running I'm like, "Dude, you've got say this." He's just funny. You guys all laughed, right? I'll often add jokes along the way. A perfect example, because I will always hire actors that have a good improv skill, like Nic Cage in "The Rock," there was really nothing funny in "The Rock" script, and that was all through improv, just trying to work with the guys and try to make it funny. A:嗯。這就是我的風格。我是想說,看看這孩子跑起來多好笑,我 不禁想,他真的太好笑了,你看了一定也會說「喔,這孩子看起來真 好笑」你們一定都會笑出來。我常常邊拍邊加進笑話。舉個例子好 了,我總是與很會不按牌理出牌的演員合作,像是尼可拉斯凱吉拍絕 地任務的時候,其實,那個劇本沒什麼笑點,而你在片中看到的笑 點,都是臨場腦袋一轉想到的,都是大家一邊工作一邊想要拍出點有 趣的東西才出現的。 A good example in this scene was when the parents knocked on the door of the bedroom when he's hiding the robots, in the script it said, "Maybe he's mas ?" and that was the joke, and that's pretty lame. So we actually brought him in the room and we just started this whole masturbation talk, and that's because the mom's such an amazing New York ?she's in New York plays. 在這部片中,有個例子是,父母親跑到門外敲門,主角急著把機器人 藏起來,劇本寫著父母說「也許,他在。。(做看A片時會做的事 情?)」,劇本的笑點只到這個LEVEL。我們就讓他進到房間, 開始把話題圍繞在這上面,一直講下去,而那位演媽媽的真的是有硬 底子功夫的演員,一位優秀的紐約演員。 Q5: She just won the Tony Award. Q:她剛剛贏了 Tony 獎 Bay:She did? Bay:真的嗎? Q6: Best Actress in a Play, beat Angela Lansbury and Vanessa Redgrave. Julie White. Q:最佳戲劇類女演員,Julie White。贏過 Angela Lansbury 與 Vanessa Redgrave。 Bay: I know it's Julie White (everyone laughs) Bay:我就知道是 Julie White (在場大家都笑了) Q7: I believe it was Don Murphy said you had no nostalgia for these Transformers ?does that make it easier to make the film, like a doctor operating on a stranger versus a friend? Q:我聽 Don Murphy (變形金剛製片)說你對於變形金剛沒有太多 包袱。這會讓你拍起片來比較容易嗎?像是,醫師替陌生人開刀,而 不是替自己朋友開刀。 Bay: Listen, I'm a huge Transformer fan now, I can officially say I've probably thought more about robots on earth than anyone in the past year and a half. Yeah, I actually think that because I wasn't a fan I think makes it more accessible to other people, does that make sense? Megatron was a gun, and I'm like, "I don't get that," and I did get a lot of flak from fans on the net, like, "Michael Bay, you wrecked my childhood." "Michael Bay, you suck. We're going to protest his office." They protested my old office apparently. That's true. The death threats freak me up, but I think we've ?I would listen to fans on the net, I really would. I would kind of hear their comments, but I'm still going to make my movie and I'll still put flames on Optimus. A:聽好,我現在是個超級變形金剛粉絲,我敢公開的講,在過去一 年半裡面,我比地球上任何一個人都還沉迷在機器人當中。沒錯,我 甚至想,就因為我原本不是個粉絲,會讓我更容易進到這整個主題 中。這聽起來合理嗎?「Metatron 是把槍」我會想「什麼跟什 麼?!」然後,我就聽到許多粉絲向我開火。我聽過粉絲說「Bay 你 謀殺了我的美好童年回憶!」「Bay 你老母!」「我們要到你辦公室 外面抗議」他們在我的舊公司抗議,真的。還有,要我死的恐嚇電話 要把我逼瘋了。我真的會在網路上了解粉絲想什麼,真的。我會聽聽 他們的意見,但是,我還是要拍我自己想拍的電影,而「鐵牛」車身 上還是會有火焰。 Q8: That helped because when they were fighting I knew it was Optimus? Bay: You see. Thank you. Q8:我想,因為有火焰,當機器人撞在一起幹架我才看得出來那是鐵牛。 Bay:嘿,謝謝你。 Q9: But you gave them lips. Q9:但是,你讓機器人有嘴唇。 Bay: Well, because, you know we did a lot of facial studies, and emotion is so hard without that kind of movement. We tried it solid, it just didn't look right. Bay:歐恩。因為,我們進行許多表情的研究,很多情緒的表達沒有它 (嘴唇的配合)真的太難了。我們試過讓機器人臉上就是一片金屬,但是 ,看起來就是不對勁。 Q10: There's talk that they're hoping to get "Transformers 2" if this one is a success, as everyone's assuming it's going to be, sometime next year but aren't you going to be busy with "Prince of Persia"? Q10:有傳言說如果變形金剛成功賺大錢,投資公司希望有變形金剛的 續集,而大部分的人都相信這一定會發生。但是,你接下來不是要籌 拍「波斯王子」? Bay: I don't know, I leave my negotiation open, because the President of Paramount is right behind you. He could probably kill me. I don't know what I'm doing right now. There's no script right now. Bay:我不知道,我抱持開放的態度,因為。。老板就站在你後 面。我的答案要是說錯他可能會殺了我。我不知道我接下來會參與什 麼計劃。目前,什麼都沒有。 Q11: But you are directing "Prince of Persia"? Q11:但是,你不是要擔任「波斯王子」的導演嗎? Bay: I don't know, I don't, I don't know. I honestly don't know. I really don't know what I'm doing. I'm unemployed right now. I finished the movie like a week ago. Bay:我不知道,不 知 道。我真的不知道。我非常確定我不知道我會 接什麼計劃。我現在失業中。我在一週前把變形金剛給搞定了。 Q12: You mentioned the tone of the film, I was wondering how you managed to balance between what seems to be a somewhat normal recognizable action film with the Transformers. Q12:你提到電影的「調性」。我在想,你怎麼拍出一部有變形金剛在 其中的動作片?你怎麼在「動作片」、「變形金剛片」中找到平衡 點。 Bay: When Steven called me a year and a half ago, he said I want you do direct "Transformers," it's a story about a boy who buys his first car. To me that was a great hook. I hung up and said thank you, I'm not doing that stupid, silly toy movie, but I thought about it, the hook was great because that's such a launching ground from a young adult into manhood or womanhood. I liked the simplicity of it, okay, it just made it somewhat more accessible. Bay:當史匹柏一年半前打電話給我,他說他要我擔任變形金剛的 導演,故事是關於一個男孩與他的第一部車。對我來說,那段談話很 棒,很吸引我。我掛上電話,心裡想說「謝謝,我才不要拍一部蠢玩 具電影」但是,當我開始認真思考,嗯,這點子之所以很棒,是因為 他談到一個年輕人如何成長蛻變成男人。我喜歡這個非常簡潔有力的 概念,好吧,現在這個點子開始有點吸引力了。 If you notice, I shot this movie kind of generic, I've never in my life shot at a Burger King, or a guy riding on a pink bicycle, or a house that's kind of very suburbia. But it just makes it more acceptable and accessible to the ultra-slick uber-action around it. The charm of the movie is to me in thinking about it was ?I kept having this image of this kid trying to hide robots from his parents by his house, and that just stuck in my head as we were writing the script, so to me that was the whole charm of it. I don't think I even answered your question. 如果你注意點看,我把這部電影拍得有如發生在你我身邊。過去,我 不會把景設在漢堡王裡面,我不會拍一個人騎著粉紅色摩托車,我不 會拍一間坐落在郊區的房子。但是,這次,我用這樣的感覺讓觀眾更 容易與這部超多動作、超多金屬機器的作品產生共鳴。我不斷的看的 一個畫面是男孩想把機器人藏在他家外面別讓父母看到,這個畫面留 在我的腦中揮之不去,而當我們在寫劇本時,這就是整部電影魔力的 來源。我想我這樣沒有回答到你的問題。 Q13: Can you talk a little about the casting of Shia and also what you see is the underlying theme or message, if there is one, in this movie? Q13:你能多談談選角的部份嗎? Shia 的加入。還有,電影中蘊藏的訊息是 什麼?電影中有包含什麼訊息嗎? Bay: Well, the underlying theme to me is really no sacrifice, no victory. That was something I wanted to nail. My movies often deal with the hero arch-type and the boy becoming a man, kind of like Nic Cage becoming a hero in "The Rock." Bay:嗯,這部電影其實談的是「沒有犧牲,就沒有勝利」這是我 想要表達的。我的作品通常有著「英雄的誕生」,還有「男孩變成男 人」的主題,像是尼可拉斯凱吉在絕地任務當中一樣。 Shia, the same thing, when he got to carry that cube... Your first question was, casting Shia. It's very scary when you're trying to hinge a whole movie on a kid. I had seen him in ?I had only seen one of his movies, "Constantine," and I thought he's interesting, but he looks so old. And someone said, Ian Bryce, one of my producers, said, "You should look at this kid, Shia." And I'm like, "Okay." And he was coming in, I saw some of his other movies and I really liked him, and then I talked to Steven, I said, "I'm seeing Shia," and he goes, "Oh yeah, he's great. I love Shia." And he came in for the audition and he nailed it, and I liked his improv skill, I liked how he was very able to take direction and mold, and he was kind of ? Shia 也是這樣。當他必須帶著那個方塊。你的第一個問題是,為什麼 選他。當你把整部電影聚焦在一個年輕演員身上時,那是很恐怖的。 我有看過他,我有看過他在「康斯坦汀」裡面的表現,我想他很有 趣,但是,他看起來好老。而我們的製作人 Ian Bryce 說,你應該與 Shia 碰面。我說:「好啊」。我們就安排一次會面,我也看了他其 他的作品而我真的喜歡他,接著我問史匹柏,我說我在了解 Shia , 他說「喔,他很棒,我喜歡 Shia 」而他來參加試鏡,他成功了,我 喜歡他臨場反應的能力,我喜歡他非常能夠理解導演的要求。 I didn't want the geek, what I like about Shia when ?I think every guy's been in that circumstance by the pond or the lake, where the stud comes up to you and gives you sh*t, and instead of doing ?he comes right back with wit and humor, and every guy likes him right then and there I think. Do you guys think so? I don't think there's a kid today that could have done a better job. He's a pain in the ass to work with, let me tell you. Let me tell you a funny story. I always like to put my actors in real circumstances, and we had him ? 我喜歡他哪點呢?我想,大部分的人都有遇到尷尬場面的機會,但 是,當他碰上了尷尬的情況,他會很機靈、幽默的化解掉。而大家都 喜歡他這點。我想,今天沒有其他人比他更適合這份工作。跟他共事 真的很煩。我告訴你一個真實故事好了。我喜歡把演員放在真實的場 景裡面。 there was a 17 story building downtown with a statue and my producer said, "How do you want to shoot that?" He goes, "We're going to do a blue screen, right?" I said, "Nah, f*ck, we're going to put him up there." (he laughs) And we put him on wires and we rigged it very safe, but there was only four inches to stand on and Shia is like, "Yeah, I think I can do it, I'm gonna go up there, I'm gonna go up there." So we're ready to go and he goes, and mind you I would never go out there on my own, I would never do this, but he goes, "Oh man, I can't get up there, I can't get up there." I said, "Dude, you're going to embarrass yourself in front of the whole crew. You get paid way more than those kids on "Fear Factor," get the f*ck up there." (everyone laughs) So he did it, and it was really scary, but he was on cloud nine when he did it. 我們有間十七層樓高的場景,有雕像,製作人說「你打算怎麼拍?應 該要用合成吧?」我說「鬼才用合成,X的,我要把 Shia 放到那上 面」製作人笑了。而我們替 Shia 穿好安全護具,上好鋼絲,Shia 只 有十公分見方的大小可以站,他說「嗯,我想我辦得到吧,我會站上 去,我會站上去」。所以,我們就準備拍了(偷偷告訴你,是我就絕 對不會自己站上去)但是,Shia 突然開始說:「不不不,我沒辦法, 我沒辦法站到那麼高啦。」我就對他說:「嘿,聽好,你要在全部的 人面前丟臉嗎?你知道你的薪水比那些自願報名參加”誰敢來挑戰” 的人多幾倍嗎?你他X的給我上去!」(在場大家都笑了)而他真的 上了,而那真的很嚇人,但是當我們真正開拍時,他其實很HIGH 的。 Q14: Do you ever foresee a time where you might want to do an intimate low budget character study? Q14:你有預見自己拍一部低成本,比較圍繞在演員身上的作品嗎? Bay: No, I've got this one I keep trying to do it, called "Pain and Gain." It's a really funny character story, I keep talking about it, we're going to be here next year and we'll talk about it again, I just keep getting cash to do these big movies. Sometimes it's a fear of like are big movies going to go away? You know what I'm saying? Hollywood is kind of tough right now, so I don't know. Bay:沒有。我一直有個叫做「痛苦與收穫」的計畫,這是個很有 趣的故事,我一直提到它,我們明年會再來,我們會再談到這個計 畫。我一直接大片賺錢,但是,有時候你會怕大製作電影會失去魔 力。你知道嗎?好萊塢現在的處境並不好,所以,我不知道。 Q15: What's it about? Q15:這個計畫是怎樣的計畫。 Bay: It's about ?it's very "Pulp Fiction"-y, true story, it's about these knuckleheads that kidnap and murder, searching for the American dream in all the wrong ways. It's very funny. All true. Bay:這是,這是個很「黑色追緝令」的電影,真實故事,這是關 於幫派、綁架、謀殺,用錯誤的方式實現美國夢的故事。很有趣。真 實故事。 Q16: We've seen how James Cameron went from huge physical action movies to 3D films ?can you ever see yourself moving in that direction? Q16:我們看過詹姆士柯麥隆從大型動作片轉向三D。你覺得自己也像 這樣嗎? Bay: Honestly, I think I'd want to shoot myself working on a blue screen stage. I did maybe one, two days of blue screen on this movie, I just hate it. It's just I like doing things real and it's just ?it's really hard to go there, you know? Bay:說實話。我想如果要我天天藍色合成背景前面拍片,我會自 殺。我在變形金剛拍片過程中有一兩天的藍幕作業。我恨透藍幕。我 喜歡真實的東西。而藍幕就是沒那種。。fu。 Q17: Did 9/11 change the way you make action movies ?I kept thinking of 9/11 with the plane going through the building ?did that enter your mind at any point? Q17:911恐怖攻擊有沒有改變你對動作片的想法?我會不斷想到飛 機撞大樓的畫面,這畫面有沒有進到你的腦海裡面? Bay: Are you kidding lady? That's a silly question. Of course it, of course it entered my mind. I don't even want to go there. Let's go onto the next question. Bay:小姐,你在開玩笑嗎?這問題太蠢了。當然,這樣的畫面當 然會在腦海裡揮之不去。我不想繼續講下去。下個問題吧。 Q18: I liked the women in this, they weren't just hot babes, they were brainy, how conscious were you trying to appeal to a female audience, and were Josh and Tyrese chosen for being eye-candy. Q18:我喜歡片中的女演員,她們不只是辣妹,她們有想法。那你有刻 意吸引女性觀眾的作法嗎?片中的其他男性角色到底是不是只為了讓 女生看帥哥用。 Bay: I actually met with Josh for one of my Platinum Dunes movies and I really liked him. Got a sense of him in the room there, that was like four months prior, and this thing came up and it was a very efficient budget, I honestly didn't ?I had no money for stars, so I had to be very creative in picking people that I thought were going to break, and after meeting him I really liked him so I wanted to work with him. Bay:我與 Josh 之前就碰過面,而我很喜歡他。我大概在開拍之 前四個月遇到他,而這部片接著就要開始拍攝,預算只能說是剛好而 已,我真的真的沒有那麼多錢可以拿來請大明星參演。所以,我必須 用比較有創意的方式來找演員,找出會有爆發性演出的人選。在遇見 他之後,我很喜歡他也就選他加入了。 Q19: And Julie White's character was great too, they're great women in this movie. Q19:Julie White 的角色也很棒,片中很多優秀的女演員。 Bay: Awesome. She didn't have that many lines in the movie and I just kept ?Kevin and her were just funny, we just kept doing stuff. I just love his blue collar sensibility and I've always wanted to do that joke with the grass, that's my lawyer, he does that to his kids, he doesn't let them go on the grass. Bay:她太棒了。她在片中台詞沒那麼多,但是我都留下來了。 Kevin 跟她真的很風趣,我們一直有新東西。我很愛他的那種藍領階 級的演技,我從我律師那邊學到一個笑話,拿到片子裡面來用,是有 關草坪的。 Q20: So you were thinking about your female audience? Q20:所以,你的確在乎女性觀眾? Bay: Of course, yeah, yeah, yeah. Bay:當然當然。 Q21: As a filmmaker you seem to get more of your budget on screen than almost anyone else. You get $150 million it looks like $250 million ? what's your secret? Q21:在電影圈中,你似乎總是讓片子在螢幕上看起來是原本預算 數倍以上的大片、大製作。你怎麼花一億五千萬拍出兩億五千萬的效 果? Bay: My secret is, I shoot very, very fast. An average director will shoot 20 set ups a day, I do about 75, and they're real set ups, it's not like ?we work 12 hour days, I don't go overtime, but we work very hard, I work with my same crew, I gave 30% of my fee because they were going to ship me to Canada or Australia, and I said, "No, I want to shoot with my guys." It's a team that I've worked with for close to 16 years, and it's just ?I like to keep the movies in Los Angeles if I could, and especially keep them in the States, and the money ?we just saved so much money, because I have really good people. Bay:我的秘訣就是我拍電影的速度「超快」。一般說來,導演一 天會拍二十個景,我呢,我拍七十五個景,而且全部都是實景。但 是,我不是一天工作十二個小時的那種人,我不加班,但是,我們一 上工就真的很拼命。我與同一個團隊合作,我付出自己酬勞的三成給 這個團隊,因為公司本來打算把這部電影搬到加拿大、澳洲拍。我 說,不要,我負擔多出來的費用,我就是要跟我的團隊在一起。這個 團隊跟我已經有十六年的合作關係了。我通常盡力讓片子能夠在洛杉 磯拍,最好不要離開美國本土。所以,你知道我們省了多少錢嗎?因 為我跟對的人、優秀的人合作。 I don't know, we just make an efficient day. I think music videos give me a sense of ?I'm able to shoot fast and when the sh*t hits the fan, which it always does on a movie, you've got to figure out your plan A and B, and I do this system called leapfrog. Like I said, the whole A.D. thing that gets out there, Michael Bay yells, Michael Bay's being the assistant director, okay, three shots, we're doing this, I want you to prep that, so we're leapfrogging, we're almost ready for the next shot. It's almost hard, actors don't even go back to their trailers, if you've probably already heard. "Tyrese, put your clothes back on." He would always take his clothes off. And that's a lot of stuff to put back on. 我們真的很有效率。我想過去拍Mtv的經驗給了我很多知識。我能 夠拍得很快,你必須想好你的A計畫、B計畫,而我稱這種作法叫做 「蛙跳」。我說過,大家準備好,我開拍,我會在現場跑來跑去,三 個鏡頭,我要拍這個,你們準備那個,這就是蛙跳。我們幾乎都在準 備下一個鏡頭。這很難,演員甚至沒辦法離開片廠回到保母車。你也 許聽過我在片廠說:「Tysere,把裝備穿回去。」因為,Tyrese 喜歡 把裝備脫掉,但是,穿回去很花時間。 Q22: I enjoyed the movie and think you have a big smash on your hands. Q22:我很喜歡這部電影,我想你成功了。 Bay: We don't trust the movie gods, you know. Bay:我們不是靠天拍戲的。 下半集還有更多內容唷~~片中有美軍?麥克貝有沒有看ID4找靈感? 為什麼與GM車廠合作? 繼續看喔~ -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: hsupohsiang 來自: (06/24 20:53)
sunnychenpo:有看有推,麥可貝講話的節奏也很快... 06/24 21:12
SLDTS:大推~~ 06/24 21:13
KbrHamster:我想看幕後花絮的影片的說..= = 06/24 21:21
gawein:預告片上F-22變形那幕,就足夠把所有的疑慮與不平吹跑了啊 06/24 21:40
Rau17:辛苦翻譯 大推 06/24 21:43
Beltran:變型金剛衝刺班 XDDD 06/24 21:47
IDrip:辛苦了 大推 06/24 22:01
sunguitar:辛苦了 大推 06/24 23:30
nmchen:我好奇 q7的 Bay 你老母! 怎麼翻來的 = = 06/25 04:52
jazzmumu:原po的翻譯還蠻有趣的... 06/25 08:03
FukadaKyoko:轉到TF板喔~ 06/25 11:23
Unconsciou:辛苦翻譯 大推! 06/30 01:24
pingyi:很讚的翻譯 謝謝 07/01 09:38
EuniceYu:好翻譯 07/26 20:22