看板 movie 關於我們 聯絡資訊
Michael Bay on Transformers! 麥克貝談變形金剛!下集~ Source: Superhero Hype! June 20, 2007 出處:http://www.superherohype.com Q23: How did you guys arrive at the tone of the film? Q23:你們怎麼找到這部片的「FU」? Bay: I think it was just my gut, I knew it's Transformers, you can't take it too seriously, but you wanted to give that sense of realism. That's why the military involvement was very important, that we make it very real and credible. Like those guys in the AWAC those are all the real guys. I told them, this is what's going down on the ground, what would you say? And literally within two minutes they were, "dah, dah, dah, dah, dah," I just photographed what they said. So I think you mix the realism with Tyrese being in the worst situation, and he says, "Man, if you could see this sh*t," that sounds real, but it comes in a funny way. I made little jabs here and there like, that's way too smart for Iranians scientists, or, how much do you get bugged by these outsourcing calls, you know, the calls out there. It just bugs me. When I forget to pay my AT&T bill, I get a call, "Mr. Bay," and they're calling from Bombay, and I'm like, "I didn't pay it." (feigns hanging up the phone). Anyway. Bay:我想是靠我的直覺吧。我知道這是變形金剛電影,你不能太 嚴肅的看待這個主題,但是,你必須賦予電影真實感。這就是為什麼 專業的軍事顧問很重要,因為,我們要讓片中的各種東西看起來夠真 實。你知道那些空中預警機的組員嗎?他們都是貨真價實的軍人。拍 攝當天我跟她們說,在片中這個東西會墜落到地面上,那你們在真實 世界中遇到這種情況會有什麼反應。不到兩分鐘,她們就在機器前面 開始示範這種情況,而我只是把攝影機開機拍下去就對了。我想,這 種作法替片子帶來真實感。Tyrese 也有這種感覺,他有幾幕是在非常 劇烈的場面,他說「X的,你真的應該親自站到我這裡看看!」 Q24: Tyrese made a joke that he was running and dodging cars and everything and then he had to say a joke. As a director, you somehow manage to get real emotion in an action film. What is more important for you and is there a balance you are seeking? Q24:Tyrese 在一場車子不斷飛過他頭上的戲中,一邊跑還必須講 出一段幽默的台詞。身為導演,你似乎想辦法在一部動作片中帶進真 實的情感。哪樣比較重要,你有試圖找到平衡嗎? Bay: Yeah, you want it to feel real. What I try to do, especially when actors are doing action stuff ?the crew jokes ?Ian, don't you call it "Bayos"?Ian Bryce: Yeah. Bayos is one of them.Bay: Try to have a little bit of chaos. It's very organized, but you get them a little fritzed, y'know? Because it just gives them more adrenaline. It's a little bit of the unknown and they will have a lot of loud bombs and stuff like that on the set if that's what it calls for. And I like to see the real emotion when they are inside these action scenes. Bay:嗯,你希望電影中的情感是真的。我想做的,特別是當演員 身處在動作場面中的時候,在場的工作人員會開玩笑,Ian(製 片 )你是不是稱那種情況叫做「Bayos」?(製片 Ian Bryce 回答 說:沒錯,Bayos 是其中一種說法)拍電影是很有組織的事情,但 是,你會給演員一點驚喜。因為意外給演員更多刺激。在拍片現場, 有一點不確定性,有很多噪音、炸彈爆炸等等,這都會給演員意外的 刺激。而我們希望在動作場面中看到真實的反應。 Q25: So what's more important to you? Is it story or action? Q25:所以,動作、故事,哪樣比較重要? Bay: No, it's both. It's a balance. It's both. Bay:兩樣都重要,這是個平衡,兩樣都重要。 Q26: You are your own AD is that because of the scale of the project or because you can't find the people who work at the pace you want to? Q26:你說你很多事情自己來,是因為整部片的規模,還是,你找 不到一個跟得上你拍片步調的人。 Bay: I just love it. I dunno, it's just my thing. It keeps me interested. My thing is I will get to set usually 45 minutes after everyone is there, because I don't like people ?watching them eat burritos and their eggs? I want to go to work. It's like, so, they always go on the radio, "Bay's coming in hot. He's coming in hot." (Laughs.) It just keeps me really involved. That's my thing, I dunno. That's the creative things for me. Bay:我就是愛這樣。這就是我。這讓我不斷有動力。我的風格就 是,我會在大家都到場後四十五分鐘出現,因為,我不喜歡到那邊然 後大家看著彼此吃早餐。我出現就是要上工。所以,他們會在片廠用 無線電互相通知「導演接近!導演接近!」而這種作法讓我真的進入 狀況。這就是我,這就是我創作的方式。 Q27: What was going through your head last night at that first screening? Q27:昨晚首映會上你腦袋裏面在想什麼? Bay: We'll I've got to apologize, the print was way oversaturated. Way too much color. Way too much red, so I was having a freak-out on that. We are trying to figure out what the problem was. Bad projector or something. But, I thought it was fun. I said, I mean, when I said, "You guys are the first in the United States to see this," it was true. Bay:我想我必須道歉,那個版本過度曝光。太多色彩、太偏紅 了,我為了這個發飆。我們還在想辦法解決。也許是放映機故障。但 是,我想這首映會很有趣。當我對著觀眾說「你們是全美國最先看到 變形金剛的人!」那可是真的。 Q28: Was it loud enough for you? Q28;音效夠大聲嗎? Bay: Yeah, I turned it down. (Laughs.) I said, "Turn it down. Turn it down." Bay:夠啊,我還把它轉小聲呢。哈哈,我說轉小聲點,小聲點。 Q29: Is it always stressful watching it on the screen in front of people for the first time? Q29:首映,一堆人看著最終版本,這很有壓力吧。 Bay: Yes, it is so nerve wracking. Do you want me to describe the testing process? Real quick. I do little focus groups on my own. I'll take like 30 kids into a screening room. I'll do like 9-year-olds to 15-year-olds, and I did like 16 year-olds to 25 year-olds and I have someone who has nothing to do with the movie come in and say, "You can say whatever you want about this movie." I show it in rough form and they were great, because they will fill out little pages about what is confusing them, what lines they thought sucked. They are very blunt about it. Bay:當然,當然,這讓你神經緊繃。你要我解釋一下試映的過程 嗎?很快的。我自己先做幾個焦點團體試映,我會選大概三十個孩子 進到公司,也許是九歲到十五歲,接著再來十六歲到二十五歲,然 後,我會找跟這部電影完全沒有關聯的組合,跟他們說「把所有你們 對電影的想法告訴我」。我把原始的版本放給焦點團體看,而他們很 盡責。她們會在紙上寫下什麼地方看不懂,哪句台詞很爛。她們不會 用很辛辣的字眼 And there was something where they hated Megan. She said one line and the women just turned off. And I'm like, "We've got to deal with that." And then I get to the big test in Phoenix where we did 450 people. It was all families and I'm like "Ah, the kids are cute because they are applauding at different things." "Oh, they all laughed at the masturbation thing and they are 9-years-old." (Laughs.) "dunno. Must be younger now." 她們對於 Megan 有些意見,有句台詞讓一位小姐直接把電視關掉。 我就說「我們必須要解決這個問題」接著,我們到鳳凰城做四百五十 人的試映。全都是一家大小一起出席,我就想,小孩子們真可愛,因 為她們會對不同的片段拍手叫好。還有,那段「孩子是不是在房間 裡。。那個那個」的劇情,全場都在笑,連九歲的孩子都在笑,哈 哈,現在孩子比較早熟喔。 And I'm doing this little sound button thing and this guy sitting next to me goes, "What's that?" "Oh, it's just the sound." "What do you do?" "Oh, I'm the director." So the movie starts they were like laughing and applauding at certain things. And I'm thinking, "This sucks. This movie sucks. It's a kiddie movie, alright?" And I said to the guy sitting next to me, "Do you like this type of movie?"And he goes, "Eh." I'm like, "Ugh. It's a kid movie. It's a kid movie." So all these emotions go through your head. 然後,我到隔壁的成人觀眾試映場地。我控制一個會發出聲音的東 西。旁邊的人就問說「那是什麼」我說”只是點聲音”,他又說「你 做什麼?」我說”我是導演”。所以,電影開始,大家邊看邊笑,某 些時候還會鼓掌叫好。接著我想「這遜斃了,這部電影真爛,這是小 孩子看的好嗎?」我對旁邊的人說「你喜歡這種電影嗎?」他說” 啥?”我又說「這是部小孩子的電影,小孩子的電影!」這些反應都 進到你的腦中。 And then we did a focus group. I ran out and we did a focus group with the kids and the parents in the focus group. 26 out of 26 gave it an excellent. I'm like, "Oh, that's interesting." Our scores were gigantic. I'm like, "That's O.K., because it's a kids movie." Then I went to the adult focus group and we got the same score. We got like a 95. And I was like, "That's weird." A lot of the older ladies, like 35, 40, they are like, "I didn't want to come here. I didn't want to see this. I was dragged here." It's true! This one lady goes, "This kinds of reinvents super heroes." She said this great line. She goes, "We're tired of the suits and the whatever. This is totally new and different." Anyway, It's still nerve-wracking, you know what I'm saying? That is a long boring answer. 接著,我們又做焦點團體試映。我們請到孩子與她們的父母,二十六 組全都說這部電影很棒。我想「這真有趣」。我們的得分很高,我的 反應是「還不是因為這是拍給小孩子看的」。接著,我們找來成人做 焦點團體試映,得分一樣很高,大概有九十五分吧。我就想「這就怪 了」有許多小姐,三十五歲、四十歲說「我可不想來,我是被拖來 的」我還遇到一位小姐說了一句很棒的評語「這部片重新定義了超級 英雄片,我們已經看了很多穿緊身衣的片了,這部片完全不一樣,這 是全新的東西」喔,她真的這樣說!!不論如何,我還是很緊張。還 有,你知道嗎?我的回答真是又臭又長。 Q30: John Turturro said that he based a lot of his character on you. (Laughs.) Wondering what you guys discussed? Q30:John Turturro(片中的探員)說他把你當成模仿的對象,放到他 的角色身上。你們都在談些什麼啊? Bay: No, I was scared to work with John Turturro. I was like, "Oh, John." He came out a little quirky. When he had that hat -- that was the first day I worked with him ?at the dam. I said, "I don't know about this. I dunno." I dunno, I grew to really like working with John. I don't know if he based it on me, but I do think criminals are hot by the way. No, I'm kidding. I dunno if he based it on me. He said that, but you should see his Scorsese imitation. It's one of the best I've ever seen. Bay:沒有~我很怕跟 John Turturro 合作。當我遇到他,感覺是很 怪的。我們第一天見面拍戲是在水壩,我對自己說,我真的不知道這 會怎樣,真的。然後,我慢慢喜歡上跟 John 合作。我沒有開玩笑。 我不知道他說的是不是真的。你應該看看他模仿馬丁史柯西斯導演,我 看過最像的。 Q31: Michael, some of this movie plays like almost a recruiting vehicle for the military. Can you talk about all the military elements in the film that you said grounded the film more in reality? Q31:這部片看起來有點像是替美軍做招募,你們談談片中這麼多 的軍事元素嗎?你說這部片很重視真實性。 Bay: Here's the thing. You've got to have more than the external alien invasion. To make it credible, you have to have the military. I just don't like when you see like an "Independence Day" and they don't get military support and you've got like a few jeeps and you've got this and everything is kind of mismatched and it's all digital planes and it's like, it's just not credible. Bay:這就是重點了。你一定要有比「外星人入侵」以外的吸引 力。要讓片子有可信度,就要有軍隊。我不喜歡ID4那種方式,他 們沒有找軍方合作,他們只有擺幾台車,一切看起來都不太對,很多 電腦動畫的飛機,那真的沒有可信度。 So you need that reality so you can ground this little kids story. I had a good relationship with them on "Armageddon" and "Pearl." And, so I somehow convinced them. This is the largest cooperation since "Black Hawk" and "Pearl" for them. And Linesfield Stroup, who is the liaison at the Pentagon, he's like, "Well, y'know, if aliens do land, I mean the US military should be involved." (Laughs.) And I'm like, "That's appropriate." 所以,你需要一點東西來讓這個孩子的故事有可信度。我在拍「世界 末日」「珍珠港」的時候與五角大廈打過交道,還算有交情。所以, 我說服他們幫忙。這可是「黑鷹計劃」「珍珠港」之後最大規模的合 作了。軍方的聯繫人 Linesfield Stroup 對我說:「如果,外星人入侵, 我想美軍應該不會袖手旁觀。」我們同聲大笑,我說「沒錯~」。 So, but, I am always good at weaseling stuff that's never been shot like the F22 and all that stuff. And I think they like me because I really respect the military. I respect the soldiers. The people, the men and women who really will sacrifice themselves. Those guys around Josh and Tyrese, they are all the real guys. They are all Special Ops SEALs and it's fascinating. I'm just enamored by people who will really go to combat. It's just a wild thing. 我總是很會拍一些過去電影中沒有出現過的東西,像是F22戰鬥 機。我想,軍方的人喜歡我是因為我很尊重這些東西。我尊重軍人。 我尊重犧牲自己保家衛國的男男女女。那些站在演員身旁的,都是真 的軍人。他們都是海豹部隊,而那真是太酷了。你能想像嗎?我們請 到真的能夠作戰的軍人參予演出! Q32: A lot of equipment and ships and planes going. Q32:片中有很多軍艦、戰機等等吧。 Bay: If you look at the theme, "No sacrifice, no victory." I think that's how they see it. They just want to be treated credibly. They want it to be shown in a real light. If you are fighting Scorponok how would they do an air strike? So we literally show you how it happens? Bay:如果你想想「沒有犧牲,就沒有勝利」的主題,我想你會懂 的。軍方想要有可信度。軍方要一切以真實的一面呈現。如果,你要 對機器人發動空襲,該怎麼做?看看片中的作法你就知道了 Q33: So are the guys in the movie retired? Q33:片中的軍人,是退役的嗎? Bay: No, those were guys who have either taken leave. Some of them were actually going to get called back to Iraq. And I mean, they all, this is the thing that happens to all of them. They get the Hollywood bug. We call one of them Hollywood. He trains U.S. SEALs down in Coronado and we're like, "Dude, just go back to getting a SEAL." Bay:沒有,有些是正在休假。有些正被召回伊拉克。他們都是貨 真價實的軍人。而他們都有演員的天份。其中有一個被我們稱作好萊 塢。他在科羅拉多訓練海豹部隊。 Q34: Can you talk about GM and the introduction of the new Camero? Q34:你能談談GM車廠和片中的新車嗎? Bay: O.K., I mean, I had $145 million. I needed to find a car company that can give me a bunch of vehicles and save me three million bucks. And I opened it up to every car company. And I have a relationship with GM because I've done commercials with them and they have helped me out on my other movies by giving me flood damaged cars or cars that had to be destroyed. And they took me to Skunkworks, which is where they do the prototype cars, it's a secret place somewhere. And I saw that car and I said, "That's Bumblebee." And, so, to help save $3 million and it was a great looking car. A:好。我有一億四千五百萬。我需要找一家可以替我省下三百萬而 且還拿出一堆車子給我拍片的車廠來合作。我向所有車廠提出邀約。 而我與GM有交情,我曾經替GM拍廣告,他們也曾經幫我拍片,提 供我泡水車讓我拿來炸掉。他們把我帶到概念車中心「Skunkworks」 非常神秘的地方。我在那邊看到一台車立刻就決定「這就是大黃 蜂」。所以,為了省下三百萬,還有找到一台勁車,我就選GM了。 Q35: We heard there was a GM guy on set who wouldn't let them touch the leather, but when he wasn't around you raced the car through gravel at 145 miles per hour. Q35:聽說,GM有派人在現場確保你們不要去亂動車子?但是, 這個人一不在,你把車子開到145英里(223公里)? Bay: No. We did have the one prototype. The prototypes are really hard because they cost like $5 million to make. We made our own, we had the cab out there with a celine chasse, and we made it in like six weeks in Detroit really fast. Bay:哪有的事。我們是有台概念車在現場。這台概念車真的很 貴,價值五百萬。我們自己又做了一台,大概只花了六個禮拜,就在 底特律做的。 Q36: How have you changed as a filmmaker over the past few years? Q36:過去幾年來,你有變嗎? Bay: I've gotten older, crankier. No, I'm not cranky. No, I don't. I don't. I crack a lot of jokes. I tease people. A little bit. Bay:我變老了。瘋瘋的。沒有啦!我沒有瘋癲癲的。我很愛開玩 笑,惡搞別人。 Q37: I mean, do you think this movie is different from your predecessors? Q37:你覺得,這部片跟之前的作品相比,有不同嗎? Bay: I mean, someone said to me in Australia, "Well, after 'The Island' did you want to go back to your more safe roots?" And I just thought this idea if it was done in a cool way could be a big idea and a fun movie idea. And a fun summer movie and I liked the challenge of taking something that hasn't been done and trying to working with my team of artists for months, 8 months, 9 months and my digital effects companies, to try and create characters made out of thin air. And it was something really challenging for me. It's like doing an animated movie. Working with animators is such a great process. And the end result, it's like, you look at Bumblebee and it's like there is a soul in this thing. That was a fun challenge for me. A:在澳洲有人對我說「在”絕地重生”之後,你會想要回到過去的 片種嗎?」我就想,如果用一個很酷的方法來拍動作片,應該會是很 棒的點子,也會是部很棒的電影。而一部暑假大片,就是我想要的。 我喜歡去拍沒有人想過的東西,我跟自己的團隊一起搞了八九個月, 然後還跟特效公司合作,一起憑空打造出角色。這真的很有挑戰性。 這很像拍動畫片。因為你跟動畫師有很多共事的機會。最後的成果, 當你看著大黃蜂,你會覺得他有靈魂。而這是個很有趣的挑戰。 Q38: This scene in the back yard is so wonderful and so much of that is comic timing. How did you create that comic timing with the characters not 'being' there? Q38:在後院的那場戲,非常棒,而且當中有很多漫畫般的安排。 你怎麼在沒有真的機器人在場的情況下拍完那場戲? Bay: What I do is I do a series of animatics, which are crude cartoons. And a movie really comes to life, I mean working with the writers and creating the script, but it all starts with the concept drawings. That becomes the tone of the movie. I showed Steven a picture of Megatron in the hanger and he's like, "Omigod, I love it. That's the movie!" And I'm like, "I know." And that's how you get the tone. A:我的作法是,先做一套動畫模擬,很粗糙的動畫。接著,電影就 從那邊開始幻化成真。我與編劇一起研究劇本,但是,一切都從概念 設計圖開始。從那裡開始演化出電影的基調。我把 Metatron 的概念圖 給史匹柏看,他的反應是「喔,我的天啊,我喜歡。這才是電影!」 就這樣,電影慢慢找到基調。 It's like you build off of there. So, in the backyard we kept coming up with the beats and whatnot. I think the dog peeing was something we made up. That's where we tied a little string to his leg and lifted it up to nothing is there and they added in the squirt. It's just really good to work with someone like a Shia or a Megan where they can actually see a cartoon and they are looking at window washer poles, which is tough. And, you just keep doing it. 從哪裡開始,一切就慢慢發展開來。所以,那場後院的戲,我們不斷 有想法。我想,狗狗的戲份是我們「做出來」的。我們把狗狗的腳纏 上線,然後,拍攝他對著空氣尿尿的鏡頭,之後再合成其他的東西。 能跟 Shia 與 Megan 合作很棒的一點就是,他們可以對著空中一根 代表機器人雙眼的棒子演戲,那很難的。 Q39: Michael what directors do you like? Q39:你喜歡哪一種導演? Bay: Oh, god. Everyone always asks me this question. It's just, y'know, from Kubrick, I've always been a huge fan of the Coen Bros. "Raising Arizona" was such an instrumental movie in how I've done some of my commercials. Just that comic timing. A lot of people didn't get that movie when it came out. From Steven to Cameron to Scorsese. When I was young, you've probably heard, I worked at Lucasfilm. And when I was 15 I was like a librarian and filed "Raiders of the Lost Ark" storyboards. It's how I got interested in the business. Bay:天啊,大家都喜歡問我這個。Kubrick,我也很喜歡 Joel Coen 與 Ethan Coen 兄弟的「扶養亞利桑那」是部非常有啟發的電 影,影響我的廣告作品。很多人在那部片出來的時候看不懂。從史匹 柏、柯麥隆、馬丁史柯西斯。當我年輕時,你可能聽過,我在盧卡斯 那邊上班。當我十五歲的時候,我負責替法櫃奇兵的檔案歸檔。那時 候我開始對電影業有興趣。 Q40: When you were 10 or 8, who or what inspired you to believe in yourself to follow this idea that you could do something? Who was it and what did they tell you? Q40:當你十歲、八歲的時候,什麼啟發你對自己的信心。有個人嗎?他跟你講什麼? Bay: Who was it? I dunno. When I was young I wanted to be a vetinarian. And I remember raising money because they took me to a place where they gassed the dogs and the cats and I was like, "Omigod, I can't believe this exists in the world." I've had many different interests. I wanted to be a magician. So, I was inspired by that, but I realized there was no money in being a magician. So, I gave it up and I liquidated all my tricks to another competing group that was 12. (Laughs.) Bay:我不知道。我小時候想要當獸醫。小時後有人帶我去看貓狗 安樂死的過程,讓我想說「天啊,我不相信世界上有這種事情。」我 有很多興趣。我想要當魔術師。我雖然想當魔術師,但是,我發現魔 術師賺不了錢。所以,我放棄,把所有的招數賣給競爭對手,那時候 我十二歲。哈哈哈。 Q41: But you continued to dream. Who kept you going? Q41:但是,你繼續追夢。什麼給了你動力。 Bay: I think it was my parents, really. They kind of encouraged me to do art. I bought a camera when I was 13. I just loved taking pictures. So, it was really my parents. I mean my dad was an accountant and I remember, this is funny, when I was young I was a big baseball player, but I had this model train set and I would go into my world and make it very detailed Ho Gage train set. And I remember one summer I spent 8 months building the thing. Fully detailed and I'd go into my imaginary world. And my dad and mom came into the bedroom one day and they go, "Son, we think you need to get out more." (Laughs.) So, that's where I started imagining. I think the train sets are were I made my own little movies in my head. Bay:我想,是我父母親。他們鼓勵我朝藝術發展。我十三歲的時 候買了相機。我真的很愛拍照片。所以,其實是我父母的功勞。我爸 是個會計人員,我記得,我很愛玩棒球,但是,我也超愛玩火車模型 組。我會把火車軌道組好,在自己房間裡面幻想自己的小世界。我記 得我有一年花了八個月組一套火車軌道。有一天,我爸媽走進來說, 孩子,我們覺得你該出去走走。哈哈哈。那時候我就開始做夢了。我 想,組火車模型是我在腦中自己拍電影的開始。 Q42: So you took it down the street for a walk and it worked. Q42:所以,你就出去走走? Bay: We'll see. A:再說囉。 Q43: If this film is a monster hit, are you willing to jump back into a sequel and what characters you'd like to bring to the franchise? Q43:如果這部電影狂賣。你願意參予續集嗎?你還想介紹哪些角色進來? Bay: I mean I have some really cool things that I came up with for the first one that was just too expensive. Stuff that was really cool, but Steven was right, "No, we should pull back and not have as many robots so you can really focus more." I mean I wish I really got to go into some of the faces more of some of the robots. But I really think it was Steven who said, "I think we should make it like 5 against 5 or 5 against 6." Or something like that. So, it was good we scaled back a bit. Bay:我想,有很多很酷的東西,因為太貴了沒辦法放到這部電影 中。有些東西真的真的很酷,但是,史蒂芬說「不行,我們必須有點 分寸,不要有太多角色,你才能專注在他們之間的關係」我很希望有 多一點角色,但是,我想史蒂芬說「我想應該是五對五,或是,五對 六就好」我覺得把數量控制在這邊不錯。 Q44: But would you be willing to jump right back in to a sequel? Q44:但是,你願意立刻加入續集嗎? Bay: Maybe a little break. But, we have to come up with a good story first. Bay:也許過休息一下子後我會。但是,要有好的故事先。 Q45: You were talking about Tyrese earlier. You kept asking him to keep his clothes on Q45:你談到 Tyrese。你真的一直要他把戲服穿著? Bay: He kept taking his underwear off in front of me. I don't know what that was about. (Laughs.) No, I'm kidding. Bay:他一直在我面前把內衣脫掉。我真的搞不懂他在想什麼。哈 哈哈,我在開玩笑的。 Q46: Can you talk about how he came to the film? Q46:你能談談 Tyrese 怎麼加入的嗎? Bay: Tyrese ?I think he came on my set of "Bad Boys" when we were in Florida. And he just said to me, "I want to be in one of your movies one day." And Martin Lawrence was like, "Yeah, you wait till you get in one of his movies you'll f*ckin' hate him." No, I'm kidding. I'm kidding. And so, I dunno, I just thought about him when we were casting this and I thought it was a good idea to couple Josh with somebody. So, it kind of worked out. I guess I really didn't answer that question. Bay:Tyrese 我想,他在我拍絕地戰警的時候到片廠,我們在佛羅 里達。他跟我說,我想要在你的電影中演出。馬丁勞倫斯就說「等你 真的跟他合作,你會恨死他。」好啦,這是假的。我在開玩笑。我只 是在選角過程中想到他,我想讓 Josh 跟某個人有合作的關係也許不 錯。所以,就這樣囉。我想這不算有回答到。 Q47: What was it about him that made you choose him? Q47:是他讓你選擇他的嗎? Bay: Y'know, he's got this great smile. He's this sweet guy. There is something studly about him. I just thought he was accessible, y'know? Bay:他的笑容很棒,他是個好人。他有種特質。我只是覺得他很容易入戲。 Q48: The special effects guy said this was the first giant robot movie. Were you conscious about creating a new movie subgenre? Q48:特效公司說,這是第一部充滿巨大機器人的電影。你知道自己正 在創造一個新分類嗎? Bay: Well, let me tell you, these robots didn't come out good at first. It was hard. It was not all peaches and cream at ILM. There were a lot of angry phone calls like, "We have to do better. We have to do better." They thought they were settling on something and I was like, "Nope. This is unacceptable." I just kept pushing them and pushing them and pushing them, but we came up with a really a good visual thing. I wanted them not to be clunky, lumbering robots. I looked at a lot of kung fu movies. I wanted them to have a different type of movement so I would just clip different things from different movies and I'd reference those to the animators on how they would move. What was your question again? Bay:讓我告訴你,這些機器人一開始效果並不好。太難了。IL M公司一天到晚接到電話說「我們要更努力,更努力」他們以為OK 的時候,我都說「還不夠」。我不斷鞭策他們,但是,他們也真的拿 出很棒的成果。我不要笨重、緩慢的機器人。這比較像功夫片。我要 每個機器人動起來都不一樣。我從很多電影中找來參考的對象,告訴 動畫師這是我要的感覺。你剛剛問的是什麼? Q49: Were you conscious of creating a new subgenre? Q49:你知道自己正在開創一個新片種嗎? Bay: Yeah, because if they sucked, if they were horrible than the movie was doomed or is doomed. So, you've got a lot of pressure they're trying to make it work. And you've got pressure from the fans saying " You wrecked our childhood" and all this about, complaining "We don't like the look of them." You just had to hold to your guns. You just had to, I just, y'know, the fans just wanted me to literally take these cartoons and blow them up. And it's like literally the equivalent of "Ghostbusters" with the Marshmallow man. It just wouldn't work. They needed to be much more complex the way they are. Y'know? Bay:知道啊。畢竟,如果,這部片失敗了,很慘,比過去失敗的 電影還失敗。。。當你想要把這部片拍好的時候壓力是很大的。你不 斷聽到粉絲說「你毀了我的童年回憶」「我不喜歡這種造型」你必須 不受到影響。你知道嗎?粉絲只想要我把卡通搬上大螢幕然後把他們 全都炸掉。而那就像是「捉鬼特攻隊」系列的磨菇軟糖人。那種拍法 是不會成功的。這些變形金剛必須相當複雜。 Q50: You made a reference about being afraid big movies were going away? Q50:你提到擔心大製作電影可能慢慢失去吸引力? Bay: I dunno. You know what it is? You do a movie and then you are unemployed, you know what I'm saying? So, it's just like ?I dunno. It's just. I think Hollywood's got some stumbling blocks here and there. You hear where the business is going and there are not a lot of big movies that are made. Bay:我不知道。你拍了一部電影,然後,你失業了。你知道我在 說什麼嗎?我想,好萊塢有些潛在的問題。你聽到一些業界的消息, 而沒有很多大片的計畫。 Q51: It's a big summer for the movie industry. Q51:這個暑假電影公司可是火力全開。 Bay: I know. That's good. A lot of people are going to the movies. Bay:我知道。這很好。很多人進電影院。 Q52: But you don't think that's going to continue? Q52:但是,你不認為這會持續下去? Bay: Yes, it will. (Laughs.) It's just good to think it will never Bay:(笑著說)會持續的。。。 看完之後,的確沒什麼劇情洩露,但是..好像蠻多閒聊的^^ 給大家做參考囉。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: hsupohsiang 來自: (06/24 21:31)
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