看板 movie 關於我們 聯絡資訊
新聞網址:http://goo.gl/Ei5G7Q Jared Leto Spent Time With Institutionalized Psychopaths To Prepare For Joker Role In Suicide Squad Jared Leto為飾演自殺突擊隊中的小丑做準備而和精神病患相處 http://imgur.com/18U5FPQ Jared Leto對於著手準備飾演蝙蝠俠的頭號死對頭"小丑"時並不草率,而是全力投入 其中 然而透過閱讀作為腳色揣摩或表達的效果有限,Jared Leto以透過與精神治療專業人 士和部分仍在機構治療的患者對談,做更進一步的準備。 以下是Leto對Entertainment Weekly的談話內容: 有許多事情我們或許最好不要牽涉其中,但對小丑來說,暴力就如交響樂。 小丑是個會因暴力行為和操弄手段得到極大樂趣和滿足的傢伙。暴行和操縱就是 小丑哼唱的曲子,而他對於人性的運作方式也相當搭調。 我見過一些專家、醫生和精神治療師,而後我花了些時間親自與他們所處理和 治療的病患及曾犯下極惡罪刑的犯人們相處,他們都在機構治療或戒護中好一陣子了。 我猜,當你在飾演某一個腳色時,任何腳色都是,你便部分成為偵探和編劇,對我來說 這就是整個過程中最享受的時刻。腳色的探索、發現以及建立。嗯,真的很有趣。 "這很有挑戰性但同時也相當有趣。他真的很有幽默感,就看你問誰囉(笑)" 原文: Jared Leto isn't taking the role of Batman's greatest nemesis lightly, and when he approached the Joker for Suicide Squad, he did so by diving all in. There is only so much though that reading can convey, and afterwards, Leto decided to take it even further by speaking to professionals in the field of psychiatry, as well as some of their patients who were still institutionalized. Here's what Leto told Entertainment Weekly. "There are a lot of things. It’s probably better to not get into it but to the Joker, violence is a symphony. This is someone who gets an extreme reward from the act of violence and manipulation. Those are the songs he sings and he is very in tune with what makes people tick. I did meet with people that were experts, doctors, psychiatrists that dealt with psychopaths and people who had committed horrendous crimes, and then I spent some time with those people themselves, people who have been institutionalized for great periods of time. I guess when you take on a role, any role, you become part detective, part writer, and for me that’s my favorite time of the entire process, the discovering, the uncovering, and the building of a character. Yeah, it’s really fun." "It was challenging but it was also fun. He has a great sense of humor, depending on who you ask. [Laughs]" ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- http://imgur.com/nHwnd67 很敬業的演員... 接任新版小丑這個腳色的確讓Jared Leto承擔不少壓力,很多未來人鐵口直斷他沒辦法 勝任,他不可能演的比Heath Ledger好。然而隨著電影預告釋出,越來越多人覺得他"可 能"可以詮釋得不錯。 Jared Leto之前說過,他覺得自己在好萊塢裡頭格格不入。在藥命俱樂部之前,還曾經停 止在大螢幕上的演出長達五年(一方面是他在忙樂團)。 另外他也說從不看自己演出的電影成品,有人要放給他看還會尷尬害羞XD JL前陣子也簽了另一部片約,將會在Martin Zandvliet導演的"The Outsider"中擔任主角 總之身為粉絲很高興可以再看到他繼續在大螢幕上表現,然後新專輯快點孵出來lol 附上他擔任主唱的樂圖-30 Seconds To Mars的作品 Closer to the edge https://goo.gl/gB3VYI (在演唱會聽到QQ) -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/movie/M.1460803372.A.5CE.html ※ 編輯: s2657507 (, 04/16/2016 18:43:27 ※ 編輯: s2657507 (, 04/16/2016 18:44:09 ※ 編輯: s2657507 (, 04/16/2016 18:51:37
xd987:04/16 18:54
bluemei: 不會老的人 04/16 18:55
dracohp: Jared讚啦~ 04/16 18:58
kris9910: 期待04/16 19:15
※ 編輯: s2657507 (, 04/16/2016 19:18:42
guardian128: 超猛……支持他 04/16 19:24
renxu: 要演小丑壓力都好大喔04/16 19:30
sleepyrat: 傑克尼克森跟麥可基頓演小丑就不會有壓力~~04/16 19:39
stevey: Jack Nicolson自己就瘋瘋癲癲的啦04/16 19:44
wcc960: 跟鬼店相比老傑克演小丑根本沒壓力吧 04/16 20:13
pttnowash: 他在軍火之王 演吸毒的廢弟弟也演得很好 眼睛超美04/16 21:02
他之前演的角色下場都不太好 ※ 編輯: s2657507 (, 04/16/2016 21:18:31
lovelebron24: 超帥04/16 22:56
Asucks: Leto詮釋的小丑比起兩位前輩絕對不會遜色,看好他04/16 23:20
yayolovehyde: 真的很愛Jack Nicholson的Joker04/17 00:25
twen215: 期待他演的小丑!!04/17 00:32
winnietslock: 這人來自地球04/17 10:30
c93cj3: 這部的小丑會被穿著雨衣的蝙蝠俠用斧頭砍死嗎04/17 13:52
yuSecret: 希斯萊傑太難超越了04/17 14:07
不需要超越誰 JL會演出有自己味道的Joker
Abre: 穿著雨衣的蝙蝠俠XDDDDD04/17 14:42
reexamor: 角色04/17 16:54
vxior: 超期待JL的小丑 04/17 16:56
※ 編輯: s2657507 (, 04/17/2016 18:48:54
LovehateHero: Leto態度必須推 04/17 19:56
Memory0121: 超期待!!! 04/17 22:56
ohradio: 僅以目前流出的照片和預告外觀來看 他的小丑感覺比較偏 04/18 19:10
ohradio: 瘋癲 希斯萊傑則是陰謀家 04/18 19:10